All Assassins Creed Valhalla Snotinghamscire Wealth, Mysteries, and Artifacts locations map

Publish date: 2024-06-03

In this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guide, we’ll lead you to every Wealth, Mystery, and Artifact in Snotinghamscire.

Use our maps to find the locations of every Nickel Ingots, Cargo, Ability, Gear, World Event, Offering Altar, Fly Agaric Hallucination Challenge, Flyting, Treasure of Britain, Roman Artifact, Cursed Symbol, Flying Paper, Rigsogur Fragment, and Treasure Hoard Map in the region.

Table of contents

Snotinghamscire Wealth, Mysteries, and Artifacts locations map

There are 5 Gear and Ability Wealth locations, 15 Mysteries, and 8 Artifacts in Snotinghamscire.

Snotinghamscire Wealth locations map

There are 5 Wealth locations in Snotinghamscire that are Abilities and Gear. We’ve broken them up into regions based (roughly) on the closest settlement or named region.

By this point in the game, you can purchase ingots from most shops, so we’re going to stop walking you through collecting them. Once you build the Cartographer’s shop in Ravensthorpe, you can buy maps to all ingots as well. And since Cargo is always in Raid locations, we’ll let you collect those on your own as well.

The Sleeping Jotun

1 - Ability: Poisonous Powder Trap

Near the Odin Mine Hideout map icon, drop through the platform in the mountain and into a deep cave. Follow the tunnels until you reach a chamber with an elevated wooden platform built into a stalactite in the middle of a pool of water. Move the shelf on the right out of the way. Pick up the explosive pot to the entrance’s left, carry it along the ledges to reach the breakable wall, and use it to burst through. Climb up to the wooden posts and shoot through the ice wall. Look inside to find the Poisonous Powder Trap Book of Knowledge.

Loch Clunbre Hideout

2 - Gear: Mentor’s Cloak

Near the center of Loch Clunbre Hideout, find a hut with a breakable wooden door. Break the door to enter, and kill the Sleekit standing by the chest. Loot the body to get the Loch Clunbre Hideout Chest Key. Open the chest to claim the Mentor’s Cloak.

Ulkerthorpe Fort

3 - Ability: Kick of Tyr

During the “Old Friends” mission that opens the Snotinghamscire arc, you will need to search a tower for a Pict captain. Head to the fourth floor, and exit on the west side of the tower. Look through the window and use Odin’s Sight to highlight a barred door on the third floor. Shoot it, go back inside, take the stairs down the third floor and open the newly unbarred room to find the Kick of Tyr Book of Knowledge.

Sherwood Hideout

4 - Gear: Mentor’s Mask

On the west side of Sherwood Hideout, look inside a hut to find the Mentor’s Mask.

Snotinghamscire Mysteries locations map

There are 15 Mystery locations in Snotinghamscire, including things like World Events, Cairns, Fly Agaric Hallucination Challenges, and a Legendary Animal. We’ve broken them up into regions based (roughly) on the closest settlement or named region.

The Sleeping Jotun

1 - Offering Altar: Mam Tor Stone

To the northeast of The Sleeping Jotun synchronization point, you’ll find an offering altar. Leave three titanium to complete the Mam Tor Stone Offering Altar.

Deoraby Spar Cavern

2 - Treasures of Britain: Deoraby Spar Cavern

Grid View

Use the screenshots above to guide your trek through Deoraby Spar Cavern. At the end of the cavern, enter a room flanked by statues to find a whetstone. Break the barred door to exit, completing the Deoraby Spar Cavern Treasures of Britain challenge.

Kinder Downfall

3 - World Event: Myth in the Mountains

Just up the mountain from the Deoraby Spar Cavern, you’ll find a group of men talking about something at the peak. Climb until you reach a leaning tree surrounded by fog. Light the effigy with your torch and a man with two swords will appear. Defeat him to complete the “Myth in the Mountains” World Event.

4 - Cairn: Kinder Downfall

This cairn is located at the top of a frozen waterfall and requires an intensely vertical build. Aim for something like the pictured stack to complete the Kinder Downfall Cairn.


5 - World Event: An Althing for the Half-Grown

In southern Hemthorpe, find a group of children in an area with eight chairs, sacks of beans and stacks of hay. Help them break the ties in their votes by sitting on the side you want to win (wait until they explicitly ask you before doing this). Do this three times to complete the An Althing for the Half-Grown World Event.

6 - Flyting: Stigr the Amorous

Find Stigr the Amorous leaning on a wall toward the center of Hemthorpe. To complete the Stigr the Amorous Flyting, choose:


7 - World Event: Stoneman

To the west of the Derwent River, you’ll meet a small child near a log cabin who is attempting to build a cairn. Stack the rocks like a snowman — biggest on the bottom, smallest on the top — to complete the “Stoneman” World Event.

Aescforda Stones

8 - Standing Stones: Aescforda Stones

You’ll find these Standing Stones at the pond to the northwest of Maneis Outpost. Use Odin’s Sight to make the symbols appear and stand on the ice raft in the center of the pond slightly to the east to complete the Aescforda Stones Standing Stones.

Eorthburg Hlaw

9 - Fly Agaric: Snotinghamshire

On a rocky outcropping near a big tree, eat the Fly Agaric mushrooms. This will summon three Jotnar warriors. Defeat them to complete the Snotingahmscire Fly Agaric Hallucination Challenge.

10 - Standing Stones: Eorthburg Hlaw

In southwest Snotinghamscire, look for a henge in the shadow of an icy cliff. Use Odin’s Sight to highlight the symbols. Break the ice wall to the south of the rock circle and turn around to form the icon to complete the Eorthburg Hlaw Standing Stones.


11 - Drengr Fight: Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker

To the east of Snotinghamscire’s southern synchronization tower, look for Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker in a snowy area with red-leafed trees and columns. Drink the potion in the nearby vat to enter frenzy and battle her. Dodge her projectiles and avoid using slow-moving heavy attacks which she will easily dodge. Take her down to complete the Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker Drengr Fight.

Sherwood Hideout

12 - World Event: Cordial Invitation

On the west side of the river that bisects southern Snotinghamscire near the bridge, you’ll meet a man with a bow near an overturned wagon. Help him fend of a Pict attack to complete the “Cordial Invitation” World Event.

13 - World Event: The Good Men of Sherwood

To the east of the river that divides southern Snotinghamscire, you’ll find a camp where archers are doing target practice. Shoot one of the targets, and when the timer starts, shoot the pot up above the targets. Then, speak to Little John, the big, shirtless guy, to initiate another timer. Shoot the chicken hanging from the pole on top of the cliff to conclude “The Good Men of Sherwood” World Event.

Briudun Hill

14 - Animus Anomaly: Briudun Hill

Grid View

Climb up the real-world tower and onto the unstable platform. Point the beam so that it projects to the right of the hazard wall, and push the pillar to the right of the hazard as well, which will render the tall gray platform solid. It’s on a timer though, so wait for it to fade to gray and back again before hopping on.

Once it’s ready, climb up to the circular blue platform. Move the diagonally downward facing beam to the left and jump across the unstable platform quickly. Reposition the beam on the other side of the platform to face the platform to the left. Cross back to the other side to shift the moveable pillar to the other side of the platform. That will make the two alternating beams work together to make it permanently solid.

Cross to the far side again and point the beam upward so that it hits the leftmost gray platform. Climb the blue platform and, once you reach the next level, double back and drop down to reach an area with two beams.

Face the left beam to hit the ramp platform and the right beam to hit the middle platform and climb up. Once you jump through the rightmost platform, turn around and use it to climb up to the top section.

Reposition the moveable pillar so that it stabilizes the rightmost gray block. Drop down and point both beams back at the L-shaped platform. Use it to climb up to the cylindrical platform. Use the blocks around the circumference of the cylindrical platform to climb up and reach a series of moving platforms.

Time your jumps correctly to reach the data packet at the top, completing the Briudun Hill Animus Anomaly.

Wenloch Abbey

15 - World Event: An Efficient Cremation

Way down at the southern end of Snotinghamscire, you’ll meet an Anglo-Saxon man creating a funeral pyre. He needs more fuel, though. You won’t be able to talk to him, though, so you’re just kind of doing this Mystery as soon as you approach him.

Head to the far side of his house, and use Odin’s Sight to spot an oil jar. Smash the crate and move the rockcase to reach it. Carry it back, and toss it onto the pyre.

Use Odin’s Sight again to spot another oil jar to the north near some hay bales. Use an arrow to shoot the large pot in the way (if you use a weapon, you will likely blow up the oil jar — and yourself). Carry the oil jar back and toss it on the pyre as well.

Talk to the man once the fire is really going, and he’ll explain his situation. Assassinate him to complete the “An Efficient Cremation” World Event.

Snotinghamscire Artifacts locations map

There are 8 Artifacts in Snotinghamscire including things like Roman Artifacts, Cursed Symbols, Flying Papers, Rigsogur Fragments, and Treasure Hoard Maps. By the time you’ve reached Snotinghamscire, you’ll have completed enough Artifacts that we’ve no longer going to walk you through them all. The map above will guide you to the area, and your Odin’s Sight ability will help you pin down the exact location.
