Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson: Where is the Former Murdaugh Housekeeper Now?

Publish date: 2024-06-11

When Margaret “Maggie” Murdaugh and her young son Paul Murdaugh were found shot to death near their home on June 7, 2021, it was hard to believe their husband/father could be involved. However, as carefully explored in Netflix’s ‘Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal’ season 2, once-renowned local attorney Richard Alexander “Alex” Murdaugh was in fact the one to slay them. Yet for now, if you simply wish to learn more about the woman to have played a vital role in ensuring this conviction through her testimony — Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson — we’ve got the details for you.

Who is Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson?

It was reportedly back in the late 1990s when military veteran turned prison corrections officer Blanca first came across Alex through their professions, only for things to soon evolve into more. “I worked with [him] translating what was being said in court for Spanish-speaking clients,” she revealed in the docuseries. “Shortly after, I met his wife Maggie, who needed help dealing with [their two sons]. I said, ‘If you want, I can help,'” resulting in her landing the position of family aid/housekeeper and realizing the matriarch was not at all a “prissy, princess-type, snob;” instead, she was funny.

Thus began Blanca and Maggie’s friendship — if there were ever days they didn’t get a chance to catch up on their daily experiences in person, they either spoke on call or kept in touch via texts. It’s hence no surprise she gradually even noticed her friend often put her husband on a pedestal because of all his tremendous career achievements, “but there was an image that you have to keep.” So despite the fact this housekeeper knew Alex “adored” his partner, she was baffled by him admittedly keeping secrets concerning the lawsuit on Paul stemming from a deadly 2019 boating accident.

Coming to Blanca’s last conversations with Maggie, the latter had texted her on the fateful day of June 7, 2021, to ask if she could cook the family a good dinner at their Colleton County estate. “She had a doctor’s appointment, so we missed each other by like five minutes,” the former somberly stated in the original. “Alex came out of the room maybe about an hour after I got there. He had on a pair of khakis and his blue blazer… He was kind of jittery. It seemed like he just put on the clothes he was wearing the night before and threw a jacket on. He didn’t bother to fix his hair. He looked tired.”

Nevertheless, Blanca initially didn’t think much of this despite it being out of Alex’s character since she knew he was focused on the civil case against his son Paul, plus she had her own work. Though she and Maggie still texted throughout the day, with them discussing Alex’s health as well as his father’s failing will to live, wherein all the former could do was offer comfort with her written words. Ultimately, the housekeeper messaged her boss/friend that dinner was on the stove and she’d locked up before leaving, just to strangely never get a reply until Alex called the following morning.

“B, they’re gone. They’re gone,” the attorney had cried to Blanca prior to clarifying, “No, B, they’re dead.” Therefore, she didn’t hesitate to show up when he asked if she could come over to help clean, only to quickly note some extra abnormalities. According to her testimony, she found leftovers in the fridge rather than on the counter like normal, a pair of Maggie’s pajamas were neatly lying in a doorway, and there was a damp towel plus khaki pants strewn in a small puddle of water by the shower.

Regardless, the strangest thing for Blanca was Alex contacting her a few months after Maggie and Paul’s double homicide just to ask if she clearly remembered what he was wearing that day. She testified, “I got a bad feeling” because he was insisting on having worn a Vinny Vines branded shirt, yet all she recalled was a blue polo. “I didn’t say anything, but I was kind of thrown back because I don’t remember him wearing that shirt that day… [I haven’t seen the polo shirt again] to my knowledge.”

Blanca Turrubiate-Simpson is a Real Estate Professional Now

With all this, Blanca has unwaveringly come to believe Alex was involved in his wife and son’s murders, yet she’s determined never to publicly give her opinion on whether he had any third-party help. “I don’t want to answer that question,” she candidly said in the production. “I don’t feel comfortable answering that question.” However, she later did express her feelings on this entire situation by stating, “I miss when we were at the house by ourselves. She didn’t have to pretend to be anything but Maggie with me. I miss that. I’ll never have a friend like that again.”

Blanca continued, “I don’t know what else to say. I mean, I’m – – she’s not here, he’s not here, and I got their dog [Bubba]. I guess it’s just us now.” It thus comes as no surprise she continues to reside alongside Bubba in Hampton, South Carolina, to this day, where they’re also surrounded by her family. From what we can tell, this now Independent Real Estate Professional is a loving wife, mother, as well as grandmother.
