Movies directed by Lee Tamahori

Publish date: 2024-06-20
Once Were Warriors Poster Once Were Warriors

Once Were Warriors, a New Zealand export, is centered upon the touchy yet timely topic of domestic violence. It is not, however, merely another "domestic violence motion picture." With its complex cultural backdrop and its stark view of this soci...

Next Poster Next

Next represents Nicolas Cage's second superhero movie in the space of two months. However, where Ghost Rider was based on a comic book, Next takes its inspiration from a Philip K. Dick story. The result is not unlike what we have come to expect o...

Mulholland Falls Poster Mulholland Falls

Following several release delays, Mulholland Falls has finally reached theaters. Usually, when a distributor keeps putting off a film's opening, it's a sign that there's something wrong with the production, and, about halfway through Mulholland Fa...

Die Another Day Poster Die Another Day

Imagine, if you will, the dispiriting experience of listening to an awful cover of one of your favorite songs. That's how I felt sitting through Die Another Day, the 20th official outing for Ian Fleming's super-spy. This is a train wreck of an ac...

Edge, The Poster Edge, The

As "survival in the wilderness" films go, The Edge is a strange example. Leaving the theater, I didn't quite know what to make of it. In fact, I'll even admit to enjoying it on a certain level. I laughed frequently, but the problem is that I'm n...

Along Came a Spider Poster Along Came a Spider

Here's one important rule about film criticism and review writing: the harder you have to think to find something noteworthy or laudable about a motion picture, the less likely it is to get a recommendation. So, although there are some things to ...

XXX: State of the Union Poster XXX: State of the Union

Where's the Kryptonite? What many movie producers fail to realize is that one of the keys to making a superhero interesting is to give him an Achilles heel - Kryptonite, so to speak. And one of the big problems with XXX: State of the Union is t...
