Pressure Conversions Calculator

Publish date: 2024-06-16
Pressure Conversions Calculator

Pressure Conversions Calculator

Image to Crop

Enter quantity and pressure type

Convert atmospheres to:

in. Hg
in. water
mtorr or micron Hg
Pa or N/m2
PSI or lb/in2
torr or mm Hg

Convert atmosphere to bars

bars = 1.01295 x atmospheres

bars = 1.01295 x

bars = 0

Convert atmosphere to dynes/cm2s

dynes/cm2s = 1.01295 x 106 x atmospheres

dynes/cm2s = 1012950 x

dynes/cm2s = 0

Convert atmosphere to in. Hgs

in. Hgs = 29.9213 x atmospheres

in. Hgs = 29.9213 x

in. Hgs = 0

Convert atmosphere to in. waters

in. waters = 406.86 x atmospheres

in. waters = 406.86 x

in. waters = 0

Convert atmosphere to kg/cm2s

kg/cm2s = 1.03325 x atmospheres

kg/cm2s = 1.03325 x

kg/cm2s = 0

Convert atmosphere to mbars

mbars = 1012.95 x atmospheres

mbars = 1012.95 x

mbars = 0

Convert atmosphere to mtorr or micron Hgs

mtorr or micron Hgs = 7.6 x 105 x atmospheres

mtorr or micron Hgs = 760000 x

mtorr or micron Hgs = 0

Convert atmosphere to Pa or N/m2s

Pa or N/m2s = 1.01295 x 105 x atmospheres

Pa or N/m2s = 101295 x

Pa or N/m2s = 0

Convert atmosphere to PSI or lb/in2s

PSI or lb/in2s = 14.696 x atmospheres

PSI or lb/in2s = 14.696 x

PSI or lb/in2s = 0

Convert atmosphere to torr or mm Hgs

torr or mm Hgs = 760 x atmospheres

torr or mm Hgs = 760 x

torr or mm Hgs = 0

Final Answer

bars = 0
dynes/cm2s = 0
in. Hgs = 0
in. waters = 0
kg/cm2s = 0
mbars = 0
mtorr or micron Hgs = 0
Pa or N/m2s = 0
PSI or lb/in2s = 0
torr or mm Hgs = 0

What is the Answer?

bars = 0
dynes/cm2s = 0
in. Hgs = 0
in. waters = 0
kg/cm2s = 0
mbars = 0
mtorr or micron Hgs = 0
Pa or N/m2s = 0
PSI or lb/in2s = 0
torr or mm Hgs = 0

How does the Pressure Conversions Calculator work?

Free Pressure Conversions Calculator - This calculator converts between the following pressure measurements:
in. Hg
in. water
mtorr or micron Hg
Pa or N/m2
PSI or lb/in2
torr or mm Hg
This calculator has 1 input.

What 4 concepts are covered in the Pressure Conversions Calculator?

atmospherethe force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earthconversiona number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or dividingpressurethe amount of force exerted per areapressure conversions

Example calculations for the Pressure Conversions Calculator


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