What is The Top 1 Dangerous Sport in The World? What You Need to Know

Publish date: 2024-06-27

Sports are a great way to stay fit, have fun, and challenge yourself.

But some sports are more risky than others and can expose you to serious injuries or even death.

What is the most dangerous sport in the world, and why?

In this article, we will reveal the top 1 dangerous sport, according to expert ratings, and compare it with other sports that are also considered hard, injury-prone, or safe.

What is the top 1 dangerous sport?

According to expert ratings, boxing is the most challenging and toughest sport in the world.

Boxers require courage, strength, power, speed, durability, agility, and endurance to succeed.

They also face the risk of brain damage, broken bones, internal bleeding, and death every time they step into the ring.

Boxing is not only physically demanding but also mentally and emotionally stressful.

Boxers have to deal with fear, pain, pressure, and uncertainty.

They also have to cope with the consequences of losing or winning a fight, which can affect their self-esteem, reputation, and health.

Boxing has been around for thousands of years and has been a popular spectator sport since ancient times.

It is also one of the most regulated sports in the world, with strict rules, weight classes, gloves, protective gear, medical supervision, and referees.

However, these measures cannot eliminate the inherent dangers of boxing.

According to a 2020 study in The Lancet Neurology, boxing is responsible for 80% of all chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) cases among athletes.

CTE is a degenerative brain disease that causes cognitive impairment, mood disorders, dementia, and other neurological problems.

It can only be diagnosed after death by examining the brain tissue.

What is the most difficult sport in the world?

While boxing is the most dangerous sport in the world, it may not be the most difficult one.

Difficulty is a subjective concept that depends on many factors, such as physicality, skill, endurance, agility, flexibility, and mental toughness.

Different sports require different levels of these factors, and some may be more suited for certain individuals than others.

One way to rank the difficulty of sports is to use a scientific approach that assigns numerical scores for each factor for each sport.

This is what ESPN did in 2020 when they rated 60 sports based on 10 criteria:

The top 10 hardest sports in the world are as follows:

– Boxing (hardest)
– Ice hockey
– Football
– Basketball
– Wrestling
– Mixed martial arts
– Tennis
– Gymnastics
– Baseball/softball
– Soccer

Of course, this ranking is not definitive or universally accepted.

Some people may disagree with the criteria used or the scores assigned.

Some people may also argue that individual sports are harder than team sports or vice versa.

Ultimately, difficulty is a matter of personal preference and experience.

Which sport has the highest injury rate?

Another way to measure the danger or difficulty of a sport is to look at its injury rate.

Injury rate is the number of injuries per 1000 hours of participation in a sport.

It can vary depending on the level of competition (amateur or professional), age group (children or adults), gender (male or female), type of injury (acute or chronic), and body part affected (head or ankle).

According to data from the National Safety Council, basketball causes the most injuries among all sports in the U.S., with nearly 9% of all athletes who play it suffering an injury each year.

However, this does not necessarily mean that basketball has the highest injury rate per hour of play.

Other factors such as popularity and exposure may influence the total number of injuries.

A 2019 study in Sports Health compared the injury rates of 35 different sports among high school athletes in the U.S., using data from 2005 to 2017.

The study found that football had the highest injury rate overall (7.3 injuries per 1000 hours), followed by wrestling (6.4), boys’ lacrosse (5.2), girls’ soccer (4.8), and girls’ lacrosse (4.7).

The lowest injury rates were found in swimming/diving (0.6), baseball/softball (1.2), tennis (1.3), golf (1.3), and track/field/cross country (1.4).


Sports are a great way to stay fit, have fun, and challenge yourself.

But some sports are more risky than others and can expose you to serious injuries or even death.

In this article, we have revealed the most dangerous sport in the world, according to expert ratings, and compared it with other sports that are also considered hard, injury-prone, or safe.

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